Learn the laws that every long-lasting successful
online training business must abide by to take
care of clients and generate ample freedom

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Hey, I’m Jon Goodman

I help trainers make more money, help more people, and have more freedom. I’m sharing our research from observing, interviewing, and working with regular online coaches to 6, and 7-figure online trainers build smarter businesses.

I’m going to give you...
  • Empowerment to take action with the laws of “freedom” and “easy”  by showing you that it’s probably not as complicated as you think.
  • The biggest flaw unprepared online trainers make when assessing clients online. (I’ll give you a hint – it has to do with validity.)
  • The “Law of the Evil Drunk Monster” and how to change your mindset so that you stop being jealous and instead focus that energy on growth. (If you’ve ever wondered how the most successful do it, this is a big part.)
  • The key shift, called the “Law of 5”, that helps the TOP PERFORMERS maintain focus on building the business, and life, of their dreams.
“Goodman himself is one of the industry’s best examples of trainer/social media crossover, and he’s made a steady career of sharing his process with others hoping to make the leap.”