Check out these coaches whose lives have been transformed by online training!

Interested in the Online Trainer Academy and how it can get you more freedom?

In the 9 videos below you’ll find a sampling of stories from different coaches who have used online training to get more freedom back. All cases are different. Below you’ll meet online coaches who:

  • Currently travel the world with a loved one
  • Support (and spend time with) a growing family
  • Just opened a brick and mortar gym
  • Moved to support her husbands growing career
  • Have avoided burnout from long hours in the gym

As you’ll see in the stories below, whatever your reasons are for wanting to incorporate an online training component, we can help you achieve it.

Coach Jon Goodman

P.S. Many of the stories below reference 1K Extra. The Online Trainer Academy is the evolved version of the 1K Extra course that these coaches reference.

“I was getting married and wanted to free more time to spend with my wife.”

Eric Bach is a personal trainer from Denver, Colorado who left his gym when new ownership took over and ‘cut his legs out from under him’. He decided to leave his current position but was unable to bring his clients with him. Online training allowed him to make a smooth transition and be confident to buy a house with his new wife. Currently his business is 70% online.

Facebook: @bachperformance

“With my husband moving up the corporate ladder, the biggest advantage is that I no longer have to lose my entire career in order to advance his.”

Gisele Purdy is a personal trainer and nutritionist who recently relocated from Calgary, Canada to San Francisco, United States when her husband’s job got relocated. With an online training component she was able to retain much of her clientele and continue to help support her family.

Facebook: @gisele.hudonpurdy

“It enables me to work with more people and location isn’t an issue.”

Mike Samuels is an online coach currently traveling the world with his girlfriend, Carly Jennings. Originally from Southhampton, United Kingdom Mike loved personal training but recognized that it ‘wasn’t particularly scalable’.

Facebook: @HealthyLivingHeavyLifting

“My son was just born and I wanted to spend as much time as possible with him.”

Marc Locquiao is an strength and conditioning coach who specializes in getting police cadets ready for their physical exams. With a young family, he needed a way to free up some time while not sacrificing his income.

Facebook: @rlconditioning

“If I never decided to venture online, well, I can’t really envision that future – you know, working the rest of my life 10hrs a day in the gym.”

Ryan Couri is the owner and operator of Instinctive Performance, an in-person training facility in Canada. Even though he owns a brick and mortar gym, an online component has helped him ease the burden of having to work long hours.

Facebook: @instinctiveperformance

“I credit Jon and his websites as the reason that I made a career change. […] he was the type of person that if he gave me information I trusted it.”

Nikki McKnight is currently the operations overlord for the PTDC but before she joined the company, she was a long-time customer and avid fan. Having transitioned to personal training from a corporate career, she turned to online training combined with her in-person clients and classes to overcome the long days in the gym.

Facebook: @nikki.mcknight.12

“I noticed that I was getting a little burnt out …”

Chris Diamantakos is the owner of Clear Cut Fitness, an in-person training studio, and does both fitness and nutrition coaching online. Not only did the program help him with his online business, but he found that he was able to apply the methods to do a better job in-person as well.

Facebook: @chris.diamantakos.7

“You can do so much more when you’re not limited by a box gym.”

Louie Guarino is a physique specialist and online coach originally from New York. After getting married to his wife from Australia, they decided to move to Canada together. Because Louie’s business is online, he was able to make the move without a sacrifice to his income.

Facebook: @lgtnynj

“If you have any little doubt, I would invest in it.”

“Jon lays everything out.”

Joey Percia is a coach and writer living in New York City. He was looking for something to supplement his in-person training but isn’t ready to go completely online because he still loves the in-person connection.

Facebook: @joeyperciacoaching