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If you’re already coaching some clients online, the Online Trainer Academy will help you improve your systems, become more efficient, and, of course, level up your marketing so that you can have more time or scale your business.
This in-depth course has been meticulously developed with input from 40+ professional online trainers, marketers and business owners.
Because your time is valuable, OTA is
In addition, this actionable course has been through multiple audits by 3rd party reviewers to assess and improve the quality and applicability of the learning experience.
“The Fundamentals of Online Training textbook uses several powerful techniques verified by extensive empirical research to produce positive learning results and to help learners apply what they’ve learned in real-world situations.”
The Online Trainer Academy empowers fitness trainers everywhere to live life on their own terms by building their own successful online business.
Build the perfect business FOR YOU. There’s no perfect business model. Which means there’s no point learning how someone else runs their business. OTA gives you the best advice from 40+ experts so you can run a business that works for you.
Always be prepared. You get every script, worksheet, and template you’ll ever need. Use them as they are or customize them to meet your own needs.
Boost your credentials. Upon graduating, proudly display that you’re a Certified Online Trainer (OTC) to build authority and trust, and to differentiate yourself in the market.
Enjoy lifetime access. Review, refresh, and revisit OTA materials whenever you need to. You’ll also get every program update and upgrade the moment it’s released at no extra cost.
Find the right price for your market. With our custom calculator, you can strategically set your price. And with our sales training, scripts, and proven processes, you can make sure your ideal clients buy what you’re selling.
Get unlimited lifetime business coaching. Once you join us, you’re family. And in this family, we take care of our own. You get lifetime access to our team of business coaches and mentors for no additional fee. Reach out whenever you like, as often as you like. You’re not alone anymore. We’re here for you.
Take your service up a notch. We’ll show you the secrets of remote assessments, client intakes, motivational interviewing, and long-term adherence.
Go at your own pace, on your own time. There’s no deadline to start or finish. OTA is 100% self-paced. Study at the pace that best fits your lifestyle.
Protect yourself. Get expert legal advice specific to online training, and take advantage of exclusive discounts from our worldwide network of insurance providers.
GET CLIENTS. Confused by all the marketing and social media options? We’ll show you how to dominate Instagram, get the most from Facebook advertising, run successful transformation challenges and free trials, get more referrals and renewals, and make sure you’re top of mind for your ideal clients.
“Now I have my own schedule, I wake up, I have my own clients. I’m more efficient and productive and have more time to do what I want.”
– Claudia Baillargeon karmakin.ca
This course changed my life and it could do the same for you too! To those of you getting started I will say that the OTA provides more than enough concepts to take you far in the online space.
– Michael Beiter pillarcoachingservices.com
Being certified puts you way ahead of the competition. It assures prospective clients of your professionalism, expertise and dedication.
Imagine there’s somebody looking to hire an online trainer. They’ve found you, a certified online trainer, and someone else who claims to be a fitness expert but lacks any real credentials. Who is the client likely to choose? It’s a no-brainer.
And even if the certification credential doesn’t interest you, OTA doubles as the gold standard in online fitness education.
You get sick or injured, you don’t get paid. You go on vacation, you don’t get paid. The list goes on and on.
It’s a frustrating and difficult way to live.
It’s time for you to take back control.
Not only that, but online training is also a more cost-effective solution for your clients than conventional training. And, if you follow the systems in the program, you can provide the same (or even higher) level of service and increase your income in less time.
You can still choose to work hard if you like, but it’s time for you to also work smart.
Whatever your definition of freedom is, OTA will help you earn it.
It’s your time.
Lots of trainers “kind of” do online training. But only a small number take it seriously … even though business is booming for online trainers.
Which means there’s one question you need to ask yourself:
Are you going to take advantage of the fastest-growing opportunity for personal trainers, or sit this one out?
The online training marketplace is growing at a rapid rate. It’s like a snowball rolling downhill. It only gets bigger. Meanwhile, most online trainers are out there throwing little snowballs instead of joining the big snowball. They miss out by lacking direction and just guessing at the best ways to build their business.
The Online Trainer Academy is the first complete educational program for fitness and nutrition pros who want to transition to part- or full-time online training. We’ve helped more online trainers than every other program or company combined. We offer unparalleled systems and information you simply can’t find anywhere else.
Are you ready to leave your competition in the dust?
We asked more than 22,000 trainers what was holding them back. While each told us a unique story, a few common themes came up again and again. We listened, and built the Online Trainer Academy to address the following issues:
TIME. You’re busy. Your social life, relationships, family, and training leave you with little time to build and market another business. You’re burnt out and “can’t possibly take on anything else.”
We listened. This course is self-paced. There’s no deadline to start or complete the program. You can dive in or invest a few hours a week; it’s entirely up to you. Even more important, the OTA teaches you how to systematically buy back your time, a compounding process that leaves you with more freedom to do the things you love.
OVERWHELMED. You don’t know what to focus on. Software, marketing, package creation, pricing, client acquisition, client retention, monthly memberships … with so much to think about, where do you even begin?
We listened. The Online Trainer Academy is strategically organized into chapters and modules, allowing you to focus on just one thing at a time. Yes, the information is complex in places, but we present it in a simple, easy-to-understand way. We show you how to move forward systematically, building your business and systems as you go.
CAN’T GET CLIENTS. Nobody is signing up. You told us you don’t think people want to pay for training.
We listened. The Online Trainer Academy includes a host of proven client-acquisition systems. They’re all honest and ethical, and get outstanding results. Most don’t cost a dime. Best of all, you’ll learn how to identify your 1% uniqueness factor, helping you differentiate yourself in the marketplace and making you the obvious choice with clients lining up, ready to buy.
ANALYSIS PARALYSIS. You’re suffering from information overload, with no idea how to decide which software, systems, and pricing structures are best. It’s leading to inaction.
We listened. What matters is that you build the perfect fitness business for you. We’ll help you identify your ideal business structure, picking and choosing the best ideas from the 40+ business owners, marketers, and entrepreneurs who contributed to OTA. Your workbook then guides you to put the pieces in place as you craft the perfect structure for your business and your lifestyle.
CAN’T TRAIN ONLINE. Although you’re confident training clients in person, you’re intimidated by the idea of moving online.
We listened. Online training is different, but the basic goals are the same. You’re still helping clients smash their fitness goals, but you’re doing it in a way that works better for both of you. It’s a better fit for your client’s budget and schedule, and it allows you to make more money in less time, with a more flexible workflow. OTA shows you how to be an awesome online trainer by combining your existing skills with new systems to assess, motivate, and empower your clients while delivering first-rate programs and tracking their progress.
NOT ENOUGH ONLINE PRESENCE. You told us you don’t have enough followers or subscribers to promote an online business.
We listened. The Online Trainer Academy shows you, step-by-step, how to build as much presence as you need to launch a profitable business, even if you’re starting from zero.
Jon has done presentations and seminars about online training throughout North America and Europe, including NSCA and ACSM conferences, and has advised multiple software companies interested in developing programs and apps for personal trainers.
He’s been featured in magazines ranging from Men’s Health and Muscle & Fitness to Entrepreneur and Inc., as well as on Livestrong.com and Schwarzenegger.com. Forbes described him as a “leading global authority in helping fitness experts take their business online.”
But learning from just one person, no matter how successful that expert may be, is limiting.
That’s why more than 40 online business, marketing, and fitness experts have contributed to the Online Trainer Academy’s curriculum. OTA students are exposed to a vast range of business models and systems—every single one of which has been proven to work in the real world.
Build a smart business that works for you, not against you.
You’ll gain the systems that buy you time, operate in a manner that you dictate, and improve as time goes on. Operational systems aren’t sexy, but they’re your foundation. Without them you will topple and fall, wondering what went wrong.
Jon Goodman is an expert in building online training models.
– Adam Bornstein (Born Fitness, NYT bestselling author)
Use savvy, high-integrity marketing.
You’ll learn how to get your business seen and acquire clients quickly. You’ll also see how to build a network of ideal clients who know, like and trust you. When they’re ready for an online trainer, they come to you. The marketing systems and scripts are ready for you to customize and use.
When it comes to online fitness marketing, you won’t find anybody with more successes to their name than Jon Goodman.
– Lisa Simone Richards (Public Relations Specialist)
Delight your clients.
You’ll learn how to acquire and activate the right long-term clients for you. We’ll show you how to apply the psychology of adherence to improve their training and accurately assess their progress so that they are delighted with your service, crush their fitness goals, and refer others.
Jon knows what it takes to ensure that your online clients get great results, and we’re all fortunate that he’s willing to teach it to others.
– Dr. John Berardi (Precision Nutrition)
We have spent 8 years developing and perfecting the most complete, proven, and actionable course to build an online training business.
OTA is broken down into four modules:
Here’s a bit more of what’s in each module:
This module lays the groundwork for what’s to come.
You’ll learn about the core principles, approaches, and mindset integral to building an online training business.
Module 1 will help you form a strong base from which to grow.
• You’ll determine your earning goal,
• Calculate the value of your time,
• Define your unique talents,
• And by the time you’re done, you’ll pick up your first few paying clients.
Here you’ll put the pieces together and form your perfect business model.
At the end of this module, you’ll have everything you need to get your business functioning like a well-oiled machine.
• You’ll intelligently establish your pricing and create your packages,
• Develop your application, on-boarding, and welcome packages,
• Design your client support systems,
• And learn how to protect yourself legally (includes forms and insurance)
This module will help you get great results for your remote clients.
Once you’re done with this module, you’ll know exactly how to take amazing care of your remote clientele, make them feel loved, hold them accountable, and, as a result, improve retention and referrals.
• You’ll know how to responsibly and accurately perform remote assessments,
• Motivate your online clientele
• Keep them engaged,
• Hold them accountable,
• And design proven referral structures.
This module is all about attraction the right clients to you.
• You’ll learn a new way to think about marketing (and why you were probably doing it wrong before)
• Get direction with the “Top of Mind” marketing system,
• Finally master “attraction marketing”,
• Learn savvy email marketing strategies,
• Take advantage of proven models including, but not exclusive to, scholarships, trials, and transformation contests.
Your success is dependent on the skills that you’re able to acquire over time – so we want to give you all of the skills that you need to master online business and marketing.
In this pick-and-choose module, not part of the core curriculum, you will get everything that you need including:
• You’ll gain confidence with our proven sales training,
• Understand what makes sensational sales copy,
• Create a system for gathering and using testimonials
• Know how to hire and onboard a virtual assistant,
• Gain a deeper understanding of pricing theory to ensure that your clients happily pay you what you’re worth.
TEMPLATES / EXAMPLES. Templates for documentation to send to clients, web forms, and other marketing materials.
WORKSHEETS. Worksheets to help you get the most out of each module and keep track of your learning.
SNAPSHOTS. Quick reference worksheets to help you remember the most important information.
MINI SHEETS. Mini sheets to figure out the details like pricing and packages.
PRICING CALCULATOR. A calculator to figure out how many clients you need and what to charge. Maximize your profits, use your time efficiently and scale your efforts.
LEGAL FORMS. A proprietary widget created to provide you with all legal forms needed, custom for you.
Full public price will be $1,999. Save $400 with today’s pay-in-full discount, and save $200 with today’s early bird payment plan.
– Charles Bell (firstklassnutrition.trainerize.com)
After enrollment closes our entire team shifts our focus to supporting and helping members of the Academy thrive. That’s why it’s important you know that the registration period ends at 11:59pm EST on Tuesday, September 11th. You must register before this time.
There will be no exceptions.
There will never be a better time than today because if you do nothing today, how do you expect tomorrow to be any different.
From the textbook, to the workbook, to the easy-to-use Digital Portal: love, care, and painstaking attention to detail was put into every part of the Academy. We’re there for you every step of the way. Our online support ensures you successfully create the perfect online training business for you.
You will gain a much deeper understanding about your business and about how to market your services effectively. When you implement the systems taught in The Online Trainer Academy and display your Online Trainer Certification you will stand out from the crowd – even if you’re starting from scratch.
All five Online Trainer Academy modules are built around one fundamental theory: time is your most valuable asset, and you should do everything in your power to buy it back. Once you do, you’re in control. In six months to a year, you will look back at the Academy as a major turning point in your life.
If you don’t feel like we’ve delivered on our promise after going through the course materials, send us an email within 90 days of your enrollment. So long as you’ve submitted all of your snapshot worksheets in the Digital Portal, we’ll refund 100% of your investment minus a 10% restocking fee. We insist that you submit your worksheets because the systems we give you work – but only if you put them into action. Your worksheets are proof that you’ve worked through the program materials and put them into action.
Malcom Wilson (USA) | fb.com/Malcolmw88
“With the extra few thousand each month I’M ABLE TO WORK LESS AND HAVE MORE TIME WITH MY SON. I spend about 10 hours a week training in-home, and 5 hours of training online. That’s it. I’m like a stay at home dad.”
Marc-André Seers (Canada) | fb.com/marcandre.seers.9
“That moment when you realize…YOU HELP CHANGE LIVES WHILE MAKING MORE MONEY than you ever dreamt of. I work with over 150 clients and travel with my girlfriend around the world – been in Hawaii since July.”
Arpita Boyd (India / currently traveling the world) | fb.com/arpita.boyd
“I’ve trained 140 clients earning an extra $30,000 in one year of online training. This, whilst I cared for my mum (who underwent her 4th heart surgery) and enjoyed a 3 month trip throughout Europe for my husband and kids, which I funded.”
Gil Mesina (Canada) | fb.com/gmesina
“When I started back in 2016, I trained 4 friends for free. Today I have trained almost 340 people (paid, of course) in 19 countries.
Kristy-Lee Wilson (Australia / USA) | ig.com/kristy_lee_wilson
“I used to be the trainer who loves to train but sucked at the business side. Now my husband and I own and operate a studio and I work with 30-50 online clients. This past year we exceeded our year-end revenue goal in July!”
Yusra Es-haq (UK) | ig.com/fitshatzi/
“I work around my kids. What more could I ask for? This is not just convenient and affordable for our clients but also it allows for trainers like me to still be able to do what we love whilst raising a family at the same time.”
Matt Clines (USA) | ig.com/mattclines
“I am about halfway through and really only started implementing everything hard last week. I already have five clients paying me $400/month. And the best part is that these are people whose lives I can really impact, that truly need my help.”
Ren Jones (USA) | Fitnessjonestraining.com
“Imagine how different you’ll be from all the other online trainers when you can say ‘I have a CERTIFICATION in online training. I was like, ‘oh yeah, I want that!”
Issa Olsson (Sweden) | massiveperformance.se
“I was looking for a way to bring the experience that I gave to my clients in the gym to more people.”
Ben Mudge (Northern Ireland) | benmudge.com
“If I can do this with my cystic fibrosis, anybody can do it.”
Carolina Belmares (Canada) | sweatglow.com
“As a Mom, I don’t think that I would be able to generate an income for my family if I had to be physically with my clients all of the time.”
Marc-Jason Locquiao (Canada) | rlconditioning.com
“The struggle I was having was . . . just getting clients. Honestly.”
Tyler Richmond (Switzerland)
“Our gym was going really well. but there was a cap. When I had my child it changed my focus and I wanted to spend more time with my family.”
We know you’re busy. That’s why we created the Online Trainer Academy. Because freedom is just as important as profit, we want to show you how to get more of both.
Think about it. If you’re overwhelmed and unhappy with your business now, what the heck does the future hold?
If you never get started, you’ll never reap the rewards of success. All your goals and aspirations are just daydreams without a solid plan to achieve them.
But, you may wonder, how can you start something new when you’re overwhelmed by what you’re doing now?
The Online Trainer Academy is designed for people just like you.
Because the course is self-paced, there’s no deadline to start or finish. If you enroll now, you’ll have lifetime access to the entire program—all the information, all the support, all the updates.
You can begin when you’re ready, move at your own speed, and finish when you can.
You’ll experience the benefits long before you finish. Starting with the very first module, you’ll have practical systems you can apply immediately, helping you bring in new online clients. With new clients, you’ll have less pressure to train clients in person, and with less pressure, you’ll have more time to invest in the Online Trainer Academy.
Each module you complete gives you more information you can put to use, bringing you more clients, more revenue, and most important, more time.
Dedicate 3 to 5 hours a week to the program and you can finish it in 8 to 12 weeks. Or you can work through it over many months. It’s totally up to you.
The materials are accessible 24/7 from anywhere in the world. All you need is time and an Internet connection.
We want you to make the right choice for your situation. So let’s take a look at some of the common questions we receive:
The Academy is a digital program and comes with the textbook in digital format. You have the option of purchasing a physical textbook at checkout. If you opt for the physical textbook, shipping is free to the USA and $25 for international orders.
You can. We don’t close enrollment.
But haven’t you already waited long enough?
With thousands of students from all walks of life in 80+ countries odds are that somebody in a similar situation to you has enrolled into OTA before you. That said, we’re happy to chat. Feel free to email us at [email protected] to speak about your specific situation.
The Online Trainer Academy is completely streamlined and engineered for rapid, profitable implementation. It’s not just theory and training – you’ll be spending as much time doing as you will learning, building and growing your business as you go. All fluff is eliminated and (so long as you put in the work) you’ll start seeing a Return on Investment and a Return on Time real soon – not in some distant, nebulous future.
You can spend as much or as little time working through The Online Trainer Academy materials as you wish. If you invest 3 – 5 hours each week, the program should take 8 – 12 weeks to complete. In six months to a year you’ll have more free time than ever.
The Online Trainer Academy experience is only available in full. From the textbook to all elements of the digital portal, all elements have been crafted to work together and are not available for individual sale.
You can use Paypal or any major credit card. All transactions are processed on a server secured with 256-bit ssl – the industry standard for encryption of data online. We never store credit card information.
The fundamentals are the fundamentals, no matter where you live and the systems were designed to work with all fitness professionals around the world. If you think that people where you live won’t buy then we humbly disagree. Regardless, you can take on clients elsewhere in the world with online training and are not limited to your own country.
OTA is honoured to have students and grads in the following countries:
Yes. Click the red ‘Enroll Now” button top right of your page to get to the purchase widget and click the red ‘buy now’ button for the payment plan.
The Online Trainer Academy does not require any software installation. All study is completed in our online learning environment, the Digital Portal. To access your course simply open your favorite browser and log in to the Portal.
You don’t have to invest in software to use the business systems we teach – we give you free workout templates to send to your clients via Google docs. However, we do explore some professional software options that will enhance your business. Whether you choose to use the software is up to you. We’ll show you how to make your business succeed either way.
The Online Trainer Academy Certification and business development program is trusted worldwide. You are guaranteed to receive CEC’s / CEU’s with your certifying body. Please note that this may require a petition on your end.
Upon passing the test and graduating you will get your certificate in the mail. This certificate, along with the detailed guidelines we provide in our Continuing Education Credits Approval Information guide that you can access within our student member portal has everything that you need.
There aren’t any other serious options. If you’re interested in building the perfect online training business for you then then Online Trainer Academy is the most actionable, easy-to-follow, thorough and best-researched program on the market.
You could learn one system from one coach, but if that doesn’t work for your situation you’ve wasted a lot of time and money. You could also enroll on a program that promises to somehow, magically, teach you how to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars while sipping cocktails on the beach with your business on “autopilot” and spend 5-10X what you’d invest into the Academy.
Maybe you’d gain some useful information, but no other program shows you the inner workings of multiple proven systems like The Online Trainer Academy does.
We’ve been teaching and improving our systems since 2013 – in fact, we were one of the first to ever teach online training. If you found your way here you’ve probably followed the PTDC or Jonathan Goodman for a while now, and you know that we don’t mess around.
If you fit the following situations than OTA is not right for you.
Immediately after enrolling you’ll be sent an email with login instructions for the Digital Portal.
Upon logging into the student success center (our digital portal) you will first enjoy a short onboarding module that includes a study plan and your downloads. From there, you’re off to the races!
“If you’d asked me two years ago if I’d ever be in a place like this, I’d say, ‘yeah right’. I’m so grateful sometimes I’m just… speechless.”
– Terrell Baldock (momsfitnessboutique.com)
This is your chance to become a Certified online trainer.
Don’t get left behind. Increase your income, reduce your workload and enjoy more freedom than you ever thought possible.
Enroll now and don’t look back – you’re about to take your business to the next level.
844-236-3733 - North America Toll Free Number
44-800-041-8179 - UK/ Europe Toll Free Number
61 180-084-2146 - Australia/Oceania Toll Free Number
Because of our unlimited business coaching included in the program, we can only accept a small number of new students at this time. Invitations were sent to those on our presale list. Missing an invite? Request your invite below and we'll let you know if there's space.
In addition to requesting an invite, you will get FREE access to the OnlineTrainer.com newsletter, which you’ll receive 2-3 times a week. Your email will never be shared and you can unsubscribe anytime. Privacy and terms at the bottom of this page.