Argelia Salgado
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, United States
Contact This Student: VroScience Facebook PageSpeciality: Nutrition, Physique, Weight Gain, Weight Loss, Young Adults/Young Professionals
Pre-Academy Experience: New to Online Training
Goals: Financial Security, More Family Time, Work/Life Balance
“I signed up for the OTA in September of last year, but I didn’t actually start until 2 weeks ago. In January, Chris and I found out we are expecting a little boy and needless to say that was all the motivation we needed to get to work faster and smarter. Once the nausea and exhaustion subsided I was able to start and I made it my goal to have it done by August before the baby arrives.
Well once I started, my excitement wouldn’t let me stop and now here we are. At this point I’m pretty sure our baby boy is so familiar with Jon Goodman’s voice we’ll be able replay the OTA videos to soothe him once he is born.
When looking at the price as just an expense, I was hesitant. However, all I kept hearing was great things about the OTA and that’s when it became the expense was actually an investment in myself. I can’t say I haven’t talked myself into purchasing things that I later regretted or at least questioned, but this is not one of them. This is by far one of the best investments I’ve ever made and my only regret is not having started it sooner. Everything is perfectly explained and laid out for you so that all you have to do is apply the knowledge while simultaneously setting your business up for success. I can’t say thank you enough for the solid foundation you have helped us build. Thank you! Thank you!”