Arpita Boyd
Worldwide (Originally from Mumbai, India)
Contact This Student: Mind and Body PTSpeciality: Age/Lifestyle Demographics, Middle Aged Men/Women, Prenatal/Postnatal Moms, Weight Loss, Women with Menopause, Working Professionals, Young Adults/Young Professionals
Pre-Academy Experience: New to Online Training
Goals: Financial Security, Make More Money, More Family Time, Travel/Work From Anywhere, Work/Life Balance
I just completed one year as an online trainer, and I started Day 1 with the Online Trainer Academy books in hand, exactly a year ago. I’m thrilled to share that I’ve made $25,000 USD in my first year from online training alone, simply applying the step-by-step approach from the OTA!
I’ve trained 105 clients in one year from 13 countries worldwide. All thanks to Jonathan Goodman and the Online Trainer Academy.
This, whilst I cared for my mum (who underwent her 4th heart surgery), looked after my young family and had a major relocation shortly after (Mauritius to India).
I no longer dread traveling on holidays/vacations and our family loves to relocate every couple of years to experience new cultures and adventures worldwide.
Online training has been a blessing, because now I know there is no break in my income.
Many of my friends say to me how “lucky” I am that I can work with a worldwide clientele online from my iPhone, but they don’t know the work and focus that has gone into getting the online business off the ground.
However, I truly truly feel blessed, thankful and grateful for this opportunity you have provided, and promise to make the Academy proud in years to come.
Oh, and just today I signed up yet another client to my premium 24-week programme ($3,600 USD), fully paid upfront! Everyone says they don’t have that sort of money lying around, but I guess the trust builds up. Someone told her about me a year ago, and after reading 100 or so testimonials and stalking my FB business page for a year (I post three times a day consistently), she said she was ready! How cool.
Thanks again for teaching me so much… so many simple things that are not costly or time consuming (like contacting 5 people daily on Facebook Messenger; I contact 25/day usually), building relationships, getting structured systems in place and sharing client successes on Facebook.
You’ve changed my life forever, and for that I am forever grateful.
Thank you again.