Bob Aeroh
Tarifa, Spain
Contact This Student: AerohfitSpeciality: Flexibility, Middle Aged Men/Women, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Pre-Academy Experience: New to Online Training, Some Online Training Experience
Goals: Do What I Love, More Family Time, Travel/Work From Anywhere
“I’ve been traveling to Thailand with my family and I met this woman. I trained her at the beach and she was asking for an online session because she is about to leave the country.
I said yes – but wasn’t really happy about it. After 3 sessions with her I realised that this is what I always wanted. I wanted to become an online fitness trainer cause back home we sold everything for a long term travel and the money we saved was nearly gone.
I was so lucky meeting her.
At the same time I bought books about online training, Jon Goodman’s books. I looked him up on Instagram, found him on a photo sitting in my favorite pizzeria on the island in Thailand.
We met, and the rest is history.
I did the course, got more and more clients, the chance to talk to more people, and learning more and more about marketing.
The course gave me tools I could work with. The course itself is just full of everything you need to start – even part time at the beginning.”