Francis McCabe
Belfast, Ireland, Europe
Contact This Student: Precision Online CoachingSpeciality: Dads, Weight Loss
Pre-Academy Experience: New to Online Training
Goals: Financial Security, Make More Money, More Family Time, Work/Life Balance
Like many trainers, Francis was burning the candle at both ends.
He was also busy putting out fires. Literally, as his primary job was working for the fire service.
As you can imagine, that made for a pretty crazy schedule.
A typical day went something like this: he started work at 6am at the gym where he worked part time as a personal trainer. Then he headed to his full time job at the fire department at 9am. After a full day at work there, he’d return to the gym to train more clients, returning home around 9:30pm.
This kind of schedule might have been tolerable in the past, but Francis had a pressing need to spend more time with his family. For one thing, he and his wife had a new baby daughter, Eva Rose. And his current schedule meant he wasn’t seeing her at all. In addition, Francis’ mum’s health was bad — she’d suffered a stroke and needed hip replacement surgery.
On top of that, the cost of training started to add up.
He had to pay fees to train at the gym, and he had to pay for a babysitter whenever he wasn’t home. Working in the gym no longer made financial sense and besides, it was taking him away from what was most important.
“I didn’t want to be out of the house, working all the time, and paying child-minding fees. I wanted to be able to spend time with my daughter,” says Francis.
He started considering the idea of online training, but at first Francis wasn’t sure. “I knew how to train people. What I didn’t know was how to run an online business.”
With a fire under him, Francis became a devoted student.
The Online Trainer Academy offered Francis the direction and structure he needed. So Francis quit the gym and devoted the extra time he had to working through the OTA program. “I decided to go all in,” he says.
He had good reason to push himself.
“While I was taking the course, my mum was living upstairs. She’d suffered a second stroke, was in bad health… I knew the faster I finished, the sooner I could start earning money to help take care of her.”
His commitment paid off: Francis finished the course and received his certification in online training (OTC) in just 3 weeks.
After completing the program, Francis kept things simple
The Academy emphasizes a principle of simplicity. It’s a principle Francis continues to uphold.
After graduating, he focused on two offers a fat loss program and a sustainable lifestyle program. And he kept his marketing simple, following the program’s methods without getting lost in a sea of Internet distractions.
“In Belfast, Northern Ireland, and probably Ireland in general, there’s not a lot known about online training.” He knew he’d have to show people that this could work.
Yet again, Francis kept it simple. “Every time someone would send positive feedback I’d take a screen shot and share it on social media,” he explains. People responded and Fances built a strong and growing roster of clients.
A typical day now looks very different for Francis than before.
He spends a couple hours working in the morning, enjoys a home workout, takes a walk with his daughter and the dogs, has lunch with his daughter, and then spends some time reading on personal development in the afternoons.
He puts it this way: ”Instead of working in the business, I now have time to work on the business”.
Typifying his new lifestyle, Francis shared this story with Eva Rose bouncing on his lap. This is what his life is like now: not away at work, but home, with family at the forefront.