Tim Ross
Wellington, New Zealand
Contact This Student: RippedGamers FBook GroupSpeciality: Nutrition, Weight Loss, Young Adults/Young Professionals
Pre-Academy Experience: New to Online Training
Goals: Do What I Love, Make More Money, Travel/Work From Anywhere, Work/Life Balance
“Online personal training is hard. When I seriously decided this was what I wanted to do, I thought I’d be able to kick things off quickly, as I was already fully booked in-person. This wasn’t the case. I tried marketing strategy after marketing strategy, and was repeatedly met with failure. But I didn’t quit. I knew this was my path, I just had to figure out how to do it. Using Jon’s marketing strategies and very effective advice from the OTA head coach, I found where my (very niche) market hung out. I aggressively dedicated all my energy to helping them as best I could, without doing any “selling”. Ever since I shifted my efforts from writing converting sales copy (do not go down this rabbit hole, seriously, just don’t) to adding as much value as I can to peoples’ lives, the game has changed. I now have a flourishing community, a solid client base, and things are exploding forward! Not to mention it’s incredibly rewarding helping people just for the sake of helping.”
My Facebook group has gone from 20-150 members in a couple of months, and clients have gone from 5-18.”