Tommy Alvarez
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain
Contact This Student: Tommy TrainingSpeciality: Middle Aged Men/Women, Working Professionals
Pre-Academy Experience: New to Online Training, Some Online Training Experience
Goals: Do What I Love, Financial Security, Make More Money
Tommy posted one marketing script from the Academy and got 20 inquiries overnight from potential clients. “The truth is, this course has brought me a lot in my life. Not only have I learned about training others, but I have also gotten to know myself much better.” Tommy shared his experience with the Academy in a few Facebook posts and messages. We’ll let him share his story in his own words:
1. On completing from the Academy:
It took me a bit longer than I expected. Sometimes I had to review videos and re-read because although I speak English, it’s not my mother tongue.
The truth is, this course has brought me a lot in my life. Not only have I learned about training others, but I have also gotten to know myself much better. I feel so confident right now. I really needed this push to get myself going!
If someone out there has any doubt about investing on this course, let me say, it’s been one of the best and practical experiences I have had. Gracias Jon and the Online Trainer Academy team for such a great effort in putting this course together. Now I must start to apply everything. This is just the beginning. Hasta la vista!
2. On receiving his certification:
Trying to figure out why this piece of paper makes me feel as happy as my university degree and my master’s degree, well:
- Learning takes different paths and it’s the first time somebody tested me through the web (I guess I’m not that young anymore).
- The content of the course and the way is designed is wonderful and makes me feel I’ve got the right tools to reach people and help them to get better.
- The commitment the team shows is contagious.