Tony Vargas
Phoenix, Arizona, United States
Contact This Student: Tony's Tailored FitnessSpeciality: Middle Aged Men/Women, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Working Professionals
Pre-Academy Experience: Already an Online Trainer, Some Online Training Experience
Goals: Better Results in Less Time, Do What I Love, Make More Money, More Family Time, Travel/Work From Anywhere, Work/Life Balance
Tony is a personal trainer from a small town called Lake Jackson, Texas. “I was stuck at a crossroad on how to make more revenue, have more freedom, and have more stability,” he says. “I stumbled onto the Personal Trainer Development Center website and that was a gold mine. Then I finally pulled the trigger on the Online Trainer Academy. It was one of the best decisions in my life.”
“Your content was clear and concise,” he says. “Everything has been very helpful. I started using your tools on Facebook and I started seeing more traction. I became the go-to guy in my town for health and fitness. I started making an extra $500-$1000 a month. All from the comfort of my laptop. I started working less at the gym as a hands-on personal trainer. I went from working 5x a week to 4x a week. I was loving my 3-day weekend and being able to spend more time with my family and on personal development.”
“I want MORE freedom,” says Tony. “Your philosophy on more income with less hands-on intrigued me right away. Thanks to you, now I know it’s about spending minimum hours to get maximize results. I’m 27, love traveling, and spending ‘me’ time. I’m sure you have read the 4 Hour Workweek and the New Rich, because that is exactly what you are doing: Working remotely, leaving home for months to these amazing countries, and spending valuable time with your family. That is exactly the type of life I want.”
Tony went on to share more about his Academy experience on Facebook, which we’ll let him share below in his own words:
Just want to say that joining the Online Trainer Academy was the BEST decision to move my PT business forward. In only the first TWO months I have already made back my money I spent on this purchase. I am meeting my freedom number and I’ve just completed module 1 đ
Props to Jonathan Goodman and everyone else involved in creating such clear, and concise textbook about online training. I have created a hybrid training that has brought me flexibility, more finances, and freedom for self development and leisure time with my friends and family.
Everything mentioned in this textbook WORKS. I’m not going to go into depth about what exactly works, BUT I will say that social interaction with your current Facebook friends list and your CURRENT clients goes a long way. New clients will NOT come to you, you have to go to them đ
I can’t wait to see what’s in the next modules!