Bill Calhoun


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Speciality: Age/Lifestyle Demographics, Prenatal/Postnatal Moms, Working Professionals

Pre-Academy Experience: New to Online Training

Goals: Better Results in Less Time, Financial Security, Make More Money

“I love that the Online Trainer Academy smashed all that I thought was correct and replaced it with real people logic and communication/engaging skills. Bad habits are being bashed!

The beautiful thing about OTA is that it’s an ongoing work-in-progress.  It takes time to adopt new habits (contained within OTA). It’s a resource and academy that sticks with you.  To be referred back to over and over again. Once you become an Academy Frat-buddy you never leave.

Right now I’m better off than I ever was before.  I’m getting better and happier every day…every day that I implement something from OTA.  We don’t ever really finish OTA. We just keep getting better.”