Carolina Belmares
Barrie, Ontario, Canada
Contact This Student: Sweatglow FitnessSpeciality: Older Men / Women, Prenatal/Postnatal Moms, Women with Menopause, Working Professionals, Young Adults/Young Professionals
Pre-Academy Experience: Already an Online Trainer, Some Online Training Experience
Goals: More Family Time, Work/Life Balance
Carolina runs a hybrid training business which combines a few in-person training clients and dance classes, as well as online training.
The in-person part of her business suits her extrovert personality well, but it’s the online training that has really allowed her to meet her goals.
For Carolina, those goals revolve around family.
The moment she started her training business, she knew that freedom and flexibility were essential.
For one thing, she’s a mom to three kids: a 16 year old, a 5 year old and a baby. “Kids change things,” she says affectionately, referring to not only the demands of motherhood but the many joys you want to be present for. “Being able to work from home is invaluable to me. I didn’t want to be missing out on all the important moments in my kids lives.”
And it’s not just her kids — Carolina values time with her close-knit extended family too. The catch: they all live in Mexico. Seven years ago, Carolina moved to Canada.
“I grew up with family around — a vast network of people you see consistently.” Travel, therefore, was a necessity. “I wanted the freedom to continue to earn money even when I’m going back and forth to Mexico and spending time with my family.”
For Carolina, the secret was in the systems.
While working as a Personal Trainer, Carolina was learning lots from both two key sources: the PTDC website and Precision Nutrition. She even took the Precision Nutrition Coaching program, and loved it. This opened Carolina’s eyes to the possibility of coaching online.
Filled with enthusiasm for online training, she built her own online curriculum. In all honesty, though, she found that it was an awful lot of work to create, and she wasn’t entirely satisfied with what she designed. So when Precision Nutrition launched ProCoach in 2016, Carolina was ecstatic.
“It was exactly what I needed,” she says.
Her enthusiasm for the program was infectious and clients were soon signing up for her online coaching.
Around the same time, the Online Trainer Academy launched, and Carolina knew it would be the perfect compliment.
“While ProCoach gives you all the technical stuff to actually coach, the Online Trainer Academy gives you the business stuff. It helps you get clients. I’ll see other people in the ProCoach forum asking, ‘how do you get clients?’ And I’m sitting there like a kid with their hand raised in school, thinking, ‘I know! I know!’”
Now it feels like she has a superpower.
Applying the Academy’s methods, Carolina communicates with her ideal prospects so effectively, they think she’s a mind reader. “Using these methods, I’ve learned how to speak the language of my ideal client so well it feels like I’m speaking directly to them.”
When she puts out a call for new clients, “I have hundreds of responses. They tell me, ‘you get it, you know, you totally understand.’”
Her clients also tend to stick around once they’re in the coaching program. “I have a number of repeat clients in ProCoach, not because they didn’t get results, but because they love it.”
Living her dream, bringing the family together.
The result of her success with online training is that Carolina is not just making money — typically upwards of $3k a month just from online training — she’s able to use that money to bring her family together.
“I was able to pay for my entire family to go to an all inclusive resort for a week and be there for my friend’s wedding. It’s fantastic because it’s something that really matters to me. It’s the direct benefit of putting in the hard work.”
Things really solidified for Carolina one morning during the family’s vacation in Mexico.
“It was a quiet morning, the beach was kind of empty, the sun was shining bright and I was sitting there by the water, next to a little tide pool. My 4 year old was playing there, my 16 year old was playing volleyball with new friends, and we were holding the baby. And I thought, this moment is everything. Yeah, it was really good.”