Chloe Shovein
St. Paul, Minnesota, United States
Contact This Student: Coaching w/ChloeSpeciality: Middle Aged Men/Women, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Working Professionals
Pre-Academy Experience: Some Online Training Experience
Goals: Do What I Love, Work/Life Balance
“I worked a full time fitness manager job, taught 8 group fitness classes a week, and had a few in home clients on the side. Let’s just say…. I was burned out and most of my relationships were failing. With the risk of sounding conceited, I’ve always been the hardest worker I know. I KNEW if I had the resources and could stop being scared and take the leap I could reach my ideal client and begin to create my ideal life.
Fast forward to fall of 2017 and I wanted sooo badly to join the OTA, but like many, I talked myself out of it due to finances and time. I still religiously followed all of Jon’s emails and launched my own google survey to see if I could get any clients. With one facebook post I had 12 applications which led to 3 online clients. I was through the moon! I learned a LOT from them. No one continued for more 6 months…so I knew I needed to re work my approach.
Fast forward to fall of 2018 (mind you – I didn’t have any more money than I did the year before – but I made it work) and I knew I HAD to dive in because clients were THERE for me! I just had to figure out how to get ’em and keep ’em.