Jason Leenaarts
Stow, Ohio
Contact This Student: Revolution Fitness and TherapySpeciality: Dads, Nutrition, Prenatal/Postnatal Moms, Weight Loss, Working Professionals, Young Adults/Young Professionals
Pre-Academy Experience: Some Online Training Experience
Goals: More Family Time, Work/Life Balance
“For frame of reference, I own a brick and mortar business which will be celebrating our 10-yr anniversary May 2019.
Before I took OTA, I had attempted online training three times: two with little success and the third with more success but less consistency of results and streamlined systems. I busied myself with my face-to-face clientele, my podcast, my blog, etc. I had started to pick up some online business by reaching out to clients who were no longer here geographically but still had an idea what it was like working with me. I also had been a guest on some podcasts which opened up the door for other online clients.
At the time that I started my OTA cert, I was grossing $12-15K per month (face-to-face and online) with online contributing roughly 5-10% of my overall income. My work schedule looks something like 5a-6p Monday through Friday with a small block of hours on Saturdays (7a-9a) and closed on Sundays. I typically have my lunch time open and don’t see as much business come through between approx 11a-230p at which point business starts to pick up again.
My wife, at this point, spends most of her time at home with our toddler and has only ever known me as the owner of this business.
As I had hoped, the OTA provided not only seamless systems to implement (which was where I was lacking), but there were degrees of difference with the case studies interviewed. In other words, Goodman did a great job of showcasing other online trainers who didn’t do things quite the way he would have done them but have still managed to be wildly successful.
Being certified within the OTA gave me a new sense of confidence with regard to pricing structure, value in the service I offer and a better understanding of how to balance my time. That I can begin with fresh ideas on promotions and having a “ready, fire, aim” approach takes some of the pressure off of me to make sure that everything is perfect (HINT: It doesn’t have to be.)”