Keaton Ray
Charlottesville, Virginia, United States
Contact This Student: Empty Nester FitSpeciality: Middle Aged Men/Women, Older Men / Women, Weight Loss
Pre-Academy Experience: New to Online Training
Goals: Do What I Love, Financial Security, Make More Money, Work/Life Balance
“I loved that the OTA was a straightforward blueprint of setting up an online training business. This course really helped walk me through what I needed to do to achieve that. Right away, I started hashing out the details for my business from starting with my desired niche to recruiting people to test out training software.
The Academy has helped me take steps towards my goals by giving me clear steps to take. It seemed like I had a jumbled list of objectives, but the academy helps makes sense of it all with clear and concise steps to take.
Finally, the staff is so helpful and responsive to inquiries too and I am grateful for that.”