Scott Schrat
Massapequa, New York, United States
Contact This Student: Performance Adge AthleticsSpeciality: Health and Fitness Goals, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Working Professionals
Pre-Academy Experience: Already an Online Trainer, Some Online Training Experience
Goals: Better Results in Less Time, Do What I Love, Financial Security, Make More Money
“This is the most integrative course I’ve ever been a part of. Absolutely well worth the investment! Textbooks, workbooks and video modules all laid out for you to make this course so efficient and smooth. This course was put together better than most college courses.” The Online Trainer Academy allowed Scott to buy the house of his dreams at age 28. Below is what Scott shared on Facebook. We’ll let him share his experience in his own words:
Made it a purpose to make 2017 my best year yet.
Bought a house of my dreams at 28 as a fitness professional in the most expensive state in the USA. Only saying this because I never thought it would be possible to do before I started this career.
On to what really matters, online coaching. Remote training. Whatever you want to call it. In the first 12 days of 2017, I’ve added five clients! $1,000! How? By just putting what Jon has set in place for us with the Online Trainer Academy and the certification.
It’s there for the taking guys and gals. Don’t wait and get paralysis by analysis. Don’t waste time with the details. I saw a quote last week from Richard Branson. It said something along the lines of, “if an opportunity knocks and you don’t know the answer, take it and figure it out.” Get out of the comfort zone. Make it a point to be in more uncomfortable situations career wise. Great things come of it.