Dennis Smythe
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Contact This Student: Smythe FitnessSpeciality: Dads, Weight Gain, Weight Loss, Young Adults/Young Professionals
Pre-Academy Experience: Some Online Training Experience
Goals: Do What I Love, Financial Security, Work/Life Balance
“Life changing.
After consuming all the free information and material I could from Jon Goodman for over two years I knew I needed to take the next step to grow my business and achieve the life I wanted. Living cheque to cheque I needed to find a way to pay for the course so I decided to do ‘garage saling’ and reselling in the summer during work breaks to pay for the course. And this proved to be the best decision I could make!
After completing the online trainer academy in December I have already TRIPLED my online training business! I went from a couple hundred dollars a month to over $1000 in just a few short months. No tricks or get rich quick scams, the Online Trainer Academy is a thorough certification and transformational business program that teaches you, step by step, how to capitalize on your specialities and implement specific systems to build a successful full- or part-time online training business.
If you’re looking for a smart and strategic way to generate more income and freedom, this is for you.”