Devon Brown
Greenfield, Indiana, United States
Contact This Student: Change Fitness Facebook PageSpeciality: Group Training, Weight Gain, Weight Loss, Working Professionals
Pre-Academy Experience: New to Online Training
Goals: More Family Time, Work/Life Balance
“When I enrolled in OTA, it was because I wanted to add a new service to my business along with the finances it would bring. I also wanted to be able to say no to in person clients that would normally conflict with my family/life schedule (so that I wouldn’t face the make money or spend time with family problem).
It took me almost a year to complete (I’m a great starter and not as good of a finisher, one of the things I miss about running big gyms where I had assistant to complete follow through) but I am so thankful.
A few months ago, I started seeing an alarming trend. My group studio was losing members at a rapid rate. There was another new gym in town that was able to be open often, offer more resources, and be a part of the town better (this gym was opened in my hometown though I moved an hour away and am down there 1x/wk to teach while other part time instructors teach 3x/wk). I own the property so I was worried I was getting set up for a fire sale.
That’s when I dug back in to OTA. Instead of chasing money and work into a less than hopeful proposition, I planned to grow the online coaching stream to replace the lost member revenue.
A few months after completing OTA, not only am I on track to double my gross revenue, I have also fully replaced the gym’s membership revenue with online training. Now I have the opportunity to keep the studio and not stress about the overhead or I can sell the property and not be forced to get pennies on the $$. That is a huge freedom for me and my family!!”