Dennis Smythe

“Life changing. After consuming all the free information and material I could from Jon Goodman for over two years I knew I needed to take the next step to grow my business and achieve the life I wanted. Living cheque to cheque I needed to find a way to pay for the course so I…


Jason Leenaarts

“For frame of reference, I own a brick and mortar business which will be celebrating our 10-yr anniversary May 2019. Before I took OTA, I had attempted online training three times: two with little success and the third with more success but less consistency of results and streamlined systems. I busied myself with my face-to-face…


Rick Elnor

You might say Rick’s first client was himself. Previously a software developer / programmer, Rick got into personal training after successfully getting himself fit and healthy. After sitting behind a computer screen for too long, Rick found himself putting on weight and feeling out of shape. So, he hit the gym. Within a year, fellow…


Sam Charlton

“I just wanted to share a couple of WINS for today: 1. A post I shared earlier today is receiving a fantastic amount of feedback. 2. I’m a certified online trainer (OTC) through the Online Trainer Academy. The 2nd one is a BIG DEAL and I’m really pleased I took the plunge and committed to…


Jason Chartrand

Using the scripts and strategies taught in the Online Trainer Academy, Jason Chartrand landed his first online training client without needing a website or paying any money for ads. Read Jonathan Goodman’s simple case study on how Jason did it (click the link to the case study above!).

Francis McCabe

Like many trainers, Francis was burning the candle at both ends. He was also busy putting out fires. Literally, as his primary job was working for the fire service. As you can imagine, that made for a pretty crazy schedule. A typical day went something like this: he started work at 6am at the gym…

Ben Graham

“So, you’re considering taking Jon Goodman’s Online Trainer Academy course, but you aren’t entirely certain if the financial investment is worth it. I get it. I was you. 22 years old, slaving away for a gym owner who viewed me as little more than someone to fill the hour. 4 AM wake up calls, sporadic…

VIDEO: Tyler Richmond

“If you’re on the fence I would highly recommend that you jump in with two feet and go all in.” Tyler is a CrossFit coach who hit a ceiling with where he’s at and how much he could do with the hours in a day. When he saw the Academy, he saw new channels for…

Bradford Wise

“Finally finished the Online Trainer Academy! I’ve got to give big kudos to Jonathan Goodman and his team. This course was simple to follow and was well put together. I thoroughly enjoyed it and learned a lot. Anyone who is on the fence about this course, do yourself a favor and just do it!”