Thomas Madden

“As challenging as one might think the OTA is, it’s honestly the ABC’s of creating a great business – which is exactly what I needed. There’s no filler, no bs, just straight forward ACTIONABLE steps. Also, the support. What company has this kind of support? It’s actually unbelievable. It’s almost as if you were having…


Sarah Pelc Graca

“I FINALLY graduated from the Online Trainer Academy after literally years of having the materials. I started out as an in-person PT and over the last 1.5 years have transitioned my business and am now 100% online. Coming from someone who has paid thousands of dollars to “mentors,” (some awesome and some not-so-awesome), I can’t…


Jim Gazzale

“I’m currently at 25 online clients, up from 15 when I started taking advantage of the one-on-one coaching calls with my mentor in September. Monthly revenue over those 4 months has doubled from $1,400 to an extra $2,800 each month. This is incredible! The common denominator over the last four months as business has increased…


Argelia Salgado

“I signed up for the OTA in September of last year, but I didn’t actually start until 2 weeks ago. In January, Chris and I found out we are expecting a little boy and needless to say that was all the motivation we needed to get to work faster and smarter. Once the nausea and exhaustion…


Gil Mesina

“Life was good. I was doing online training for about 18 months, but I have no formal background in personal training. I am an Electrical Engineer by formal education. I always want to learn ways to become more efficient and optimize my time for the effort I am putting in. I was attracted to OTA…


Leslie Snyder

“Back in January of 2015 I stepped out of corporate fitness and started my own training/coaching business and followed the integrated plan; 1/2 in person clients, 1/2 online. My goal was to be able to earn enough money to help my 3 kids go to college. At the time, college student #1 was a senior…


Anthony Raimondo

“Once I identified going online as a tool to live the lifestyle I wanted while helping clients more effectively, the decision was a no brainer. I wanted to treat the transition process with respect by receiving the most in-depth and useful information possible. The OTA did just that. The entire course was valuable and the…


Alex Harriman

“My son was born in 2017 and as he’s getting older I’m realizing how much less I want to be away from home during the early hours of the morning and late hours of night when I could be spending time with my family. I started the academy in October and worked at a fairly…


Devon Brown

“When I enrolled in OTA, it was because I wanted to add a new service to my business along with the finances it would bring. I also wanted to be able to say no to in person clients that would normally conflict with my family/life schedule (so that I wouldn’t face the make money or…


Chloe Shovein

“I worked a full time fitness manager job, taught 8 group fitness classes a week, and had a few in home clients on the side. Let’s just say…. I was burned out and most of my relationships were failing. With the risk of sounding conceited, I’ve always been the hardest worker I know. I KNEW…
